Kratz Industries Apps

Slideshow Wallpaper 1.1
Turns the wallpaper on your device into asideshow that slowly scrolls through all the images on youdevice.This includes all camera shots, downloads, ect.Every 5 seconds, while the wallpaper is visible, the next photois gently faded over top of the last. When it reaches the end, itrefreshes its list and starts over.Photos are stretched to fill the entire screen of thedevice.Very large(hi-res) files may not display if the device does nothave the available memory to load the image.GIF files display, but do not animate.This wallpaper has no configurable options.
Notification Bar Memos 1.13
This very simple app helps you do what we alloften fail to do, remember something. Start the app, then enteryour note/reminder in the text box, then click the add button. Yourmemo is now placed in the notification bar of your device. It'sthat simple. Just tap on the notification to remove it when youdon't need it anymore.Just like a sticky note or note card, or even a napkin or palm ofyour hand, this app is great for temporarily jotting things down soyou don't forget about them. Especially things you only need toremember for a few minutes. Add more that one if you need to. Noneed to set times or alarms, or give your note a name to be savedforever. Quick, fast, simple, and convenient.This paid version contains no ads.
Color Static Wallpaper 1.0
Displays analog TV static/noise, but colorizedinstead of just black and white.
Laser Beams Wallpaper 1.0
This live wallpaper fills the background ofyour device with multi-colored beams that shoot past the screen.The most interesting feature of this active wallpaper is that thebeams react to the movement of your device. Rotating, shaking, ormoving the devices cause the background perspective to change.This has no options or settings.
Flying Stars Wallpaper 1.0
This live wallpaper shows a field of starswhizzing past your devices screen. Also this active backgroundreacts to the phones motion sensors causing the stars to shift andmove as you move your device.This wallpaper has no settings or options.
Green Scan Lines Clock Widget 1.3
This digital clock widget adds aretro-computing style with numbers appearing with green scan-lines,like on the old green monochrome computer monitors. Uses a simple,terminal-like font.This widget contains no options, displays only in 12 hour AM/PMformat with a colon.Note: Task-Killers will cause the clock to stop.
Ball Drop 1.1
This is a simple coffee-break game. Tilt yourdevice to guide the ball, which perpetually falls downhill, to thegoals. Follow your radar to locate the goals and navigate the mazesat the same time.Speed increases and you gain points as you get to the goals. Reachthe target number of goals and move to the next maze. However,hitting the walls decreases your score. If your score drops belowzero, you must start the maze over!This is a first release of this game, if you have anysuggestions, (to easy, to hard, mazes to boring, ect.) feel free toemail the developer at [email protected]. Also pleasereport any glitches or problems. Great software is created by greatusers!
Pumpkin Wallpaper 1.0
This Jack-o-Lantern / Pumpkin wallpaperflickers to simulate the traditional Halloween decoration right onyour device.
Party Hard! Wallpaper 1.0
Bright, rapidly flashing colors and the wordsPARTY HARD stretched across the screen. This live wall paper tellsthe world how you like to party.Warning! Contains bright flashing colors. People who aresensitive to flashing lights should not use this application.
Voice Reminders 1.12
This app lets you record temporary voicememoswith your device, and displays a reminder in the notificationareaof your device that links to that voice memo. Clicking onthereminder in the notification area, opens the app and loadsthatvoice reminder, allowing you to replay the memo, or delete it.The controls are simple,Record (Red Circle) Turns on the microphone so you can recordyourmessage.Stop (Blue Square) Stops recording the memo.Add/Save (Green Cross) Saves the recording and adds thenotificationarea reminder.Play (Green Triangle) Replays the memo you clicked on inthenotification area, or the one you are recording.Delete (Red Cross) When active, deletes the last reminderyouclicked on from the notification area.Reminders stay in the notification area after the deviceisrestarted. Only clicking the delete button will remove them.
Cartoon Camera 1.3
A camera app that reduces image detailslightlyand enhances edges of objects with dark lines to createadrawn/cartoon/comic style image. Features a fast live previewofthe effect.You can save the preview image to quickly capture andsaveexactly what you are seeing, or you can take a picture to applytheeffect to a full size picture from the camera.This app operates in landscape mode only. Use the two buttonsonthe left of the screen to save images to your device.Note: Android camera hardware can vary greatly, anddoesn'talways follow the rules, so I apologize if you have anyproblemswith this app.
Pixelated Camera 1.3
This simple camera app creates a lowresolutionimage with a reduced color palette to create "8 bit"styleimages.
Pancake Flip 1.11
In this game, you cook the pancake util youareinstructed to flip. Then you give your device a little flip,and tryto hold it steady in order to catch the pancake again. Thegamesenses the tilt of you device and the pan moves around thescreen.Each time you catch the pancake, the sensitivity to thesteadinessof your hand increases. See how many times you can flipit beforeyou drop it!
Demotivational 8 Ball 1.11
Everyones favorite, the fortune tellingblackbilliard ball, show up in yet another incarnation. Watch outforthis one though. He probably doesn't like you, and probablywon'tgive you a straight answer to any of your questions. Hopefullyitsworth a few laughs.Suggestions or problems, feel free to email the developer.
Get 7 1.01
Simple math game, just touch the tiles thataddup to 7. Correct combinations add to the clock, don't let itrunout!
LED Clock Widget 1.3
Clock widget that displays time inAM/PMformat. Designed to look like an red LED led display.
24 Hour Red LED Clock 1.0
24 hour clock widget modeled after a LEDstyledisplay. Red LEDs over a black background display the timeintwenty-four hour format. Occupies 4 by 1 blocks on yourhomescreen.
TV Static (Noise) 1.0
This live wallpaper simulates the static(noise) of a empty analog television channel. Fast animation givesit the true TV effect.No configurable options.
Live Fish Wallpaper 1.1
This simple live wallpaper displays asmallcollection of 3 types of fish, gently floating across yourscreenin front of a sandy back drop. A colorful beta and two kindsofgoldfish, wander about your device changing direction andbumpinginto each other.The fish also react to your touch, they scare easily andscatterabout when you tap on the glass.This wallpaper contains no user configurable options.
Notification Bar Memos Free 1.14
This very simple app helps you do what wealloften fail to do, remember something. Start the app, thenenteryour note/reminder in the text box, then click the add button.Yourmemo is now placed in the notification bar of your device.It'sthat simple. Just tap on the notification to remove it whenyoudon't need it anymore.Just like a sticky note or note card, or even a napkin or palmofyour hand, this app is great for temporarily jotting things downsoyou don't forget about them. Especially things you only needtoremember for a few minutes. Add more than one if you need to.Noneed to set times or alarms, or give your note a name to besavedforever. Quick, fast, simple, and convenient.Note, this free version contains Ads. Check out the paid versionifyou do not like Ads.
Green Lines 24 Hour Clock 1.3
This digital clock widget addsaretro-computing style with numbers appearing with greenscan-lines,like on the old green monochrome computer monitors. Usesa simple,terminal-like font.This widget contains no options, displays only in 24 hourformatwith a colon.Note: Task-Killers will cause the clock to stop.
Funny Face Camera 1.2
Uses your devices built in face detectiontofind faces and overlay an images such as a mustache orsunglasses.Note: Face detection is dependent on device hardware and maynotwork on all devices.
SMS Auto-Responder 1.0
This app lets you enable an 'Out ofOffice'style automatic reply to incoming text messages. It iscomprised ofa 1 cell widget which serves as an indicator that theautomaticreply is turned on or off. Clicking on the widget bringsupsettings, allowing you to turn the feature on or off, customizetheautomatic message.
Fireworks Wallpaper 1.0
This live wallpaper creates asimulatedfireworks display for the background of your device.Bursts ofwhite, red, blue, and green colors spread out across theblacknight sky and fill the screen.This wallpaper has no options.